VLDPersonal Bug Bounty


# Exploit Title: VLD Personals – Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Date: 09/11/2014
# Exploit Author: Talib Osmani
# Exploit Authors Website: http://www.securitypentester.ninja
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.vldpersonals.com/
# Software Link: http://www.vldpersonals.com/clients/downloads.php
# Version: 2.7
# CVE: CVE-2014-9004
# Exploit-db: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/35193/
# Fixed Version 2.7.1
# Tested on: Windows / Linux

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I am a security enthusiast, Having 12 years of hands-on experience working in the Pakistani information security industry. I have been learning new things every day, testing new tools, playing around with my Hak5 gadgets, SDR, Wifi gadgets, building my own gadgets on Raspberry Pi. I specialize in Penetration testing, with Red team skills.

This blog is all about the experience I have gained till now, ill include the tools I am testing (which I failed to do much as of now) and the web application bugs which I am responsibly for reporting. Hope my website ends up in your bookmark and you have a present stay here :)

Mr. T

EDITED: May 2020